Archive for October, 2009

Is it ever gonna be enough?

by on Oct.26, 2009, under General

roseI skipped grade 5 ,
and my life has been on fast forward mood ever since.
I’m pretty sure that was when everything started to go wrong!  
there almost is never enough time to understand it!
there almost is never enough time to live it,
there almost is never enough time to think it through!
not that I do much or I am in anyway busy.
I skipped grade 12,
and my life has become an impossible puzzle ever since.
I m pretty sure that’s when they teach you how to handle it all
cause I find myself in situations that are my worst nightmares
cause I find myself fallin apart
cause I find myself out of control
not that I have many responsibilities or there’s much going on
So u see, im unstable and confused!
I don’t know what I want!


things have changed!
you are not you anymore,
you are this you that I asked you to become!
but I miss you! Not the person ive made , but you!

I know baby! Im contradicting myself again!  how to buy domains

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alpha II

by on Oct.22, 2009, under General

earthaaIt all comes down to fractions of a second
all that we worry about will be meaningless
all that we run for will just vanish
and that’s when I wonder , why do we run at all?
why do we bother?  And what’s next after nothing?
what’s next after that second, they will try their best but
but what if they cant? And what if they can?
what if they save you? Would you still run?
and she told me its for family,
its for the one person you will matter the most to
its to give that person all you always wanted
all you never had
but what if that’s not what they want or need?
it all comes down to fractions of a second
and I wonder how uneducated we are
how our humanity fails us sometimes
how our curiosity can make us restless
and why do we see? What do we want to see?
it’s our curiosity that makes us see,
it is not us but it’s him! The curios one!  
it all comes down to fractions of a second
can you justify?
all for one? Or even maybe all for a few?
how do we measure?
who comes first? 
who measures and who decides if it matters?
and what is the one’s measurement scale
It all comes down to fractions of a second! new domain names .

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by on Oct.20, 2009, under Story of a mad man

silvermoonBeneath the silver moon , he stood on a dodgy ground
as lost as always , finding a way out was his only purpose
there’s got to be some sort of balance ,
you can’t have all that you want,
it’s not how the world is suppose to work ,
people only get what they need to have ,
what they deserve to have!
he was part of them now! He had to abide by their rules.

But without her, what would keep him on the ground?
Without her, what would make him abide?
Without her, what else would he want from this place?


 But who said the world is supposed to work? liechtenstein .

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don let go on

by on Oct.15, 2009, under General

pplAnd I’ve become just a part of them
part of the system, someone just inside the box
someone like them, invisible!
and I wonder when did my thoughts became so daily and ordinary
and I wonder when did my needs, my wants, my dreams became so earthly

Please don’t ask me why!

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by on Oct.02, 2009, under Story of a mad man

sheThen she was gone
and he knew he would be miserable for the longest time
maybe just if things were a little different
maybe in a parallel universe
maybe only if she knew how much
but she was just gone
the new place seemed a little less shiny than when he moved in just less than a day before
the freshly painted walls screamed her name
the ceilings were star less
and although she hadn’t even stared into them yet,
they missed her eyes;
120m2 of loneliness no matter how many people fill the place.

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