reason why

by on Jun.15, 2009, under Story of a mad man

heartOnce upon a time there was no one but the one. He was the one with a world full of loneliness but in return he owned the magic colors. Dark and bright, cold and warm, all and all the colors were in his magic box. But he was fed up by all the cold and darkness. So he thought if he can magic with all these magic colors to create a world of beauties then…
he picked the color-box and took out all the colors. He had to do something about all the darkness. he picked up the magic yellow and drew a beautiful bright circle at the top of the page. expidoms Now everywhere was bright but there was nothing to be seen.  He picked up blue and poured it on the page. Suddenly the sound of waves on top of each other broke the silence of his world. This was the sound of the sea; The sound of blue waters. Where’s the brown that has to become mountains?  He found the brown color and the mountains rose from the paper. Then he drew springs from top of browns down to the blues. When he picked up the green, trees grew tall and fresh grass filled up the spaces. It was turn for flowers, then moon and stars, then turn for clouds, snow and rain… but he… he was still alone…
he thought what if he make a big magic… what if he mixes all the color…
so he mixed all the colors, and he formed a new magic that had hands and legs but they didn’t move. It had eyes but it didn’t see. It had lips but it didn’t talk, it didn’t smile.
He was still alone. He cried and just when he had given up all hopes, his tears made the magic’s heart beat. The magic moved. Smiled and then cried. Ran and then sat. The magic promised to always be with him. The magic slept and woke up. Worked and fell in love. Lied and became spiteful. Killed and shattered the trees; Smashed the grass and left.
Once upon a time the one was still with a world full of loneliness although he was not alone anymore. 
So I will…
head out alone and hope for the best…

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